Monday, August 20, 2007

Frank Dialect

So...Day 2 of "blogging". The question for today is regarding respect. Does it show less respect to sleep with the TV on or to wake up your partner by flipping on lights and telling him/her to move the car? Frankly, My Opinion is that either would be considered"The pot calling the kettle black!" If someone wants respect and complains about lack of respect, perhaps he/she needs to do some self analysis and ask, "Do I earn the respect of others and show them respect in return or do I merely gripe because people dis me?" Is there some pettiness in an answer like that? Perhaps so, but then again...who initiated the whole respect issue? Perhaps others considered it respectful not to bring up such issues and cause animosity for the sake of being able to say, " You disrespected me first." Relationships are difficult to maintain. That is not new, whether the relationship is months or years old it is much like a garden. It requires cultivating, nutrients, weeding and the occasional pesticide. Some may even require the help of professional landscapers if the damage is severe or you don't know where to start. If you fail to provide any of the required elements your garden will not flourish. It will not become a sanctuary that provides solace, shade, food for thought but instead, it will become riddled with the destruction of weeds or other pests. Frankly, My Opinion... Support your garden for you may find you require a garden to support you. Provide the required elements for it may be far too important in the future that you have not allowed something ripe with potential to simply wither on the vine.

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